Sunday, September 4, 2011

Running revelation what?!

I really love my Sunday morning runs. I run with just my hydration pack and my chomps. No music, and my phone is tucked away in the little pouch on silent, so if for some godforsaken reason someone decides to call me early on a Sunday morning I can ignore it until I get home. During my runs, I just am. Most of the time, not a thing is going on inside by brain, but this morning I had a lot to think about. I am really glad I got to think about my life, and how its a series of choices not chances. I learned that from a friend once many years ago, and just now, is it really starting to mean something to me...Life is a series of choices not chances. I don't by chance just have a horrible attitude, I choose to have it, or choose to maintain it by not choosing to just laugh about things. I choose to let how someone is acting toward me (or in general) affect my day. For the longest time I though everyone else around me needed to change their attitudes cause they were pissing me off, but in reality, its been me the whole time who needs to take a step back, to stop getting so caught up in emotion, anger, and perfectionism, and just be happy. Ha, its not often I get such a great revelation from a run, but this morning's kinda run was a very humbling run indeed.
The last time I had a humbling run I took this picture. I keep this as the background on my phone and as my profile picture most of the time so I can remember that run and what it taught me. Who needs church on a Sunday morning when you have the road?! Sunday morning runs are my 'church' and today was a great sermon run.

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